Archive | April 2016

My Favorite Game

One of my favorite games is Monopoly. Did you know that the earliest version of monopoly was called The Landlord’s Game? A landlord is someone who owns a building or a property and charges to rent it out to others. It was designed by an American named Elizabeth Magie. Magie originally meant for the game to show the economic results of rent, land taxes, and whether you have a lot of money or a little. I love Monopoly, but I don’t get to play it much because my family is very busy and the game takes a long time to play completely. My favorite is a newer version that has a cat playing piece. Do you like Monopoly? If you do, what is your favorite playing piece? If not, what is your favorite game?


This entry was posted on April 26, 2016. 5 Comments

The Tulip Festival

Have you ever been to a tulip festival? I have. It is really cool. The first one I went to is in Woodburn, Oregon. It was called the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. I love tulips. They’re my 5th favorite flower. There are so many tulips there. There are also other activities that you can do. There is food, bouncy houses and other cool stuff. There’s also an area where you can pick flowers. I got a treat called an elephant ear. If you don’t know what that is, it’s like a giant flat cinnamon sugar doughnut. My other favorite flowers are lilies, roses, and hydrangeas. IMG_3550What is your favorite flower?


This entry was posted on April 5, 2016. 5 Comments